Metal Heart: Replicants Rampage

Release: Metal Heart: Replicants Rampage

- Datum: 04.08.2005
After the space cargo ship crashes in an asteroid belt its captain Lanthan and first pilot Cheris are the only crewmembers who landed on the unknown planet in the life-saving shuttle. Now they must walk the way full of danger and mysteries, and their main goal is to get out of the violent world they turned out to be in. As time goes by, Lanthan and Cheris get to know that the planet is called Protion and is the Galaxy's one and only source of priceless mineral Tactonium, deposits of which are controlled by an almighty Empire. Protion is completely isolated from the outer world and all the races that populate it work in the tactonium mines under Imperial oppression. On their way back home Lanthan and Cheris must get in contact with the mysterious race of Nomads that secretly struggles against the Empire, unite the people of Protion and organize a rebellion...
"Metal Heart: Replicants Rampage" is a role-playing game with a turn-based combat system, a huge gaming world, and a cyberpunk style. The characters act in dark postapocalyptic world, populated with humans, mutants, cyborgs and nomads. Player can recruit up to six characters of any race to his party, and for completing some of the quests and going through the storyline party may require experts like engineers, snipers and even welders. One of the key features of the game is the well-balanced system of implants that change the characters' skills and attributes. Relationship with the races is the important part of gameplay - player can ally, break the union or go to war with any of the races, choosing his own way to the unpredictable and shocking finale.
- Genre: Adventure
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