The Experiment *Rip*

Release: The Experiment *Rip*

- Datum: 18.02.2008
Over sweeping cliffs and across scenic coastlines this
innovative shared adventure be gins in the bowels of an
old dilapidated ship grounded ashore. Mysteriously you
find yourself in the ships operations room faced with a
highly advanced panel of controls surveillance monitors
and a wide array of sophisticated technology. As you watch
the monitors for other signs of life you discover a
woman. Unable to find a way to communicate with her
directly you realize that you are her only hope. She
needs your help.
The problem is you too are being held prisoner by an
unseen captor. Soon you come to realize that the only way
to escape is to help one another. But who are you? Who is
she? Why do you control both your fates? Is escape from
this floating prison your only goal or is there a more
cryptic scheme?
- Genre: Adventure
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