Rag Doll Kung Fu

Release: Rag Doll Kung Fu

- Datum: 07.10.2005
Imagine having a Kung Fu Fight with string puppets, except you don\'t have to worry about getting the strings tangled up, and you don\'t have to have a kung fu fight. You control the characters on screen with the mouse there are no pre-scripted animations in the game. It\'s all up to you! To walk, you have to literally pick up one foot, then place it in front of the other. Sounds tricky maybe, but it doesn\'t take long before you\'re spinning through the air like a Russian gymnast.
This means you get to create your own style, and can act out whatever you feel like, and of course, if you really feel like it, you can have a fight. It\'s about Chi power.
More game information can be found on: www.ragdollkungfu.com - www.steampowered.com
This release is full version, but we couldn\'t get the cd, because the game won\'t get on cd, it will be released on steam in about 4 days. So enjoy it anyway even if it isn\'t bin/cue/iso/whatever!
- Genre: Action
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2. Run Rag_Doll_Kung_Fu_Steam.exe
3. Play