The Suffering: Ties That Bind

Release: The Suffering: Ties That Bind

- Datum: 15.10.2005
ourney back into the madness as Midway reveals the next riveting chapter to its critically-acclaimed action-horror franchise, The Suffering.Building upon the predecessor that redefined the action-horror genre, Ties That Bind features more disturbing horror,new twisted creatures and ultra-realistic environments.Set in the slums and prisons of Baltimore,the player once again controls Torque as he seeks revenge against the mysterious grand manipulator, Caleb Blackmore, a man somehow tied to the death of his family.Players explore the tough and unforgiving inner-city streets where poverty and urban injustices trap people as effectively as a prison.The unique morality system returns,as players delve into the perverse world of Torque\'s sanity to discover his past while struggling to control his future.
- Genre: Action
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