Chrome: Specforces

Release: Chrome: Specforces

- Datum: 02.11.2005
We're back in Bolt Logans boots and Mr. Logan is still part of the armed forces, plying his trade and shooting holes in people. The universe is a dangerous place and the Corporations rule everything with the power of their private armies and wads of cash, behind them. Logan and his squad buddy Pointer are sent to destroy the labs of a rival Corp, and surprise there's a complication. The base ship is destroyed and they're left stranded on the planet of Estrella, soon to link up with freedom/resistance fighters battling LorGen.
- Genre: Action
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
Method #1
1. Run alcohol and select Burn Image. Select .mdf file
2. Pick RAW/DAO, 4x speed between writing options
3. Don't select any profile. Only enable Buffer Underrun Protection.
4. When Alcohol request TOC, leave TOC unmodified "First Option" (reccomended choice)
5. Run the copy with a cdrom/dvdrom reader. Don't use a burner if it is not a Plextor, in which
case you have to use Plextools and use the "Enable Hide CD-R Media" option
6. Install the game, and reboot if needed (due to starforce drivers)
7. Launch the game and have fun
Method #2
1. You need Windows XP SP2 in order to play
2. IDE PCI Controller Drivers MUST be OS STANDARD IDE PCI Drivers
3. Unpack file sfcure01 located into archive itw-cspb-tools.rar, launch file !setup.bat through MS-Dos prompt and reboot your box
4. If you have AMD64, then use sfcure_x64 instead
5. Mount Alcohol 120 image and install the game
6. Once installation is complete, launch sfdrup 2 update StarForce3 drivers and reboot box
7. Launch !start.bat through MS-Dos Prompt, file located in the tools.rar pack
8. Use SFNightmare (you can find it easily) & launch sfn.exe
9. Select in this order: "Disable node", "Disable CD", "Disable node", and the IDE channel you use for real CD/DVD units ( Pr. Slave, Sc. Master or Sc. Slave ), depending on how your IDE units are connected
10. Launch the game and when asked use the serial *deleted*
Method #1
1. Run alcohol and select Burn Image. Select .mdf file
2. Pick RAW/DAO, 4x speed between writing options
3. Don't select any profile. Only enable Buffer Underrun Protection.
4. When Alcohol request TOC, leave TOC unmodified "First Option" (reccomended choice)
5. Run the copy with a cdrom/dvdrom reader. Don't use a burner if it is not a Plextor, in which
case you have to use Plextools and use the "Enable Hide CD-R Media" option
6. Install the game, and reboot if needed (due to starforce drivers)
7. Launch the game and have fun
Method #2
1. You need Windows XP SP2 in order to play
2. IDE PCI Controller Drivers MUST be OS STANDARD IDE PCI Drivers
3. Unpack file sfcure01 located into archive itw-cspb-tools.rar, launch file !setup.bat through MS-Dos prompt and reboot your box
4. If you have AMD64, then use sfcure_x64 instead
5. Mount Alcohol 120 image and install the game
6. Once installation is complete, launch sfdrup 2 update StarForce3 drivers and reboot box
7. Launch !start.bat through MS-Dos Prompt, file located in the tools.rar pack
8. Use SFNightmare (you can find it easily) & launch sfn.exe
9. Select in this order: "Disable node", "Disable CD", "Disable node", and the IDE channel you use for real CD/DVD units ( Pr. Slave, Sc. Master or Sc. Slave ), depending on how your IDE units are connected
10. Launch the game and when asked use the serial *deleted*