Scallywag: In the Lair of the Medusa

Release: Scallywag: In the Lair of the Medusa

- Datum: 15.05.2008
...a dank and dark cave that oozed evil, a terrible open sore in the
land that spewed forth nightmares...
The Gosling valley was once a valley of peace and prosperity. In Gosling
it seemed the sun always shined, your neighbors smiled, and the harvests
were bountiful. Yes, life in the valley was good. Factor in the
mushrooms, and well, life wasnt just good, it was great!
Ah yes, the mushrooms. The valley was full of them, and each one was
special. There were enormous mushrooms that were used as homes, and
small ones that could be brewed into liquor (including everyones tavern
favorite, ShroOOom! ale). Some mushrooms were best buttered and fried,
while other mushrooms were typically dried and smoked. There were
mushrooms that healed the sick, and even some that could make magic!
Then the troubles began. Bizarre creatures prowled the valley, the
wildlife fled, and once full larders laid bare. The citizens of Gosling
smiled at each other no more, instead spending their days hiding in
terror. Worse, with the blight upon the land the mushrooms that once
provided so much now provided so little. Even the casks of ShroOOom! ale
were almost dry!
Big Will, an old farmer, sought out the source of the evil. Nestled high
in the hills, he found the source: a dank and dark cave that oozed evil,
a terrible open sore in the land that spewed forth nightmares. Big Will
did not go in, though. Hed let someone else have all the glory.
Someone, such as YOU!
You are Rapius, mighty farm laborer. The blood of the Gods do not flow
in your veins. You were not prophesized about a thousand years prior by
three blind crones. Yet it is you, Rapius, that will seek out and
destroy the source of evil.
Bash zombies, do shrooms, grab loot, burn oil, learn to fly, learn
magic, explore worlds, get drunk, get fast, get lost, get found, get the
rope, get out!
- Genre: Adventure
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