Golem Crusades

Release: Golem Crusades
Golem Crusades is an arcade fantasy strategic shooter.
Under siege from
the forces of evil with only a plasma bolt and a pocket
of spells for
defence, you must build and command a legion of
crusading golems, to
reclaim the battered land of Belorn.
Fast paced instant 360 shooting action.
Strategic but accessible troop management.
Frantic, close quarter battles.
Full scene, all realtime, lighting engine.
Interactive music system, reacts to ingame events.
- Genre: Action
HinweiseLink 1 = DDL Option 1 (Uploaded)
Link 2 = DDL Option 2 (Netload)
Tip: Alle Parts die sich auf den 2 Hostern befinden sind untereinander austauschbar und Kompatibel.
Link 2 = DDL Option 2 (Netload)
Tip: Alle Parts die sich auf den 2 Hostern befinden sind untereinander austauschbar und Kompatibel.