Turok (DVD9)

Release: Turok (DVD9)

- Datum: 24.04.2008
Turok is an epic, story-driven first-person shooter set on a dark,
mysterious planet in the future. Players take on the role of Joseph Turok, a
former black ops commando, now part of an elite special forces squad, known
as Whiskey Company, which is on a mission to take down a war criminal
Turoks former mentor, Roland Kane. Set on a planet inhabited by Kane and
his Mendel-Gruman Corporation soldiers, Turok must use his elite military
training to elude Kanes well-trained army and the ravenous, unpredictable
dinosaurs, huge insects and other massive creatures that populate the
- Genre: Action
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Hinweise1. Unpack
2. Mount or Toast the images
3. Install
4. Copy Crack from DVD1
5. Play
Link 3: Crack only *Proper*
2. Mount or Toast the images
3. Install
4. Copy Crack from DVD1
5. Play
Link 3: Crack only *Proper*