Lightning Warrior: Raidy

Release: Lightning Warrior: Raidy

- Datum: 02.06.2008
I am Raidy, wandering this continent of Else far and wide as an adventurer.
I can freely bend the power of thunder to my will, so people have taken to
calling me the Lightning Warrior. Why am I standing here in front of this
tower, you ask? The cause lies in the village of Saad that I visited
recently. I got there to find it in decay, deserted and transformed almost
completely into a ghost town...
Apparently it became that way due to the monsters living in this tower.
Theyd been stealing away all of the young maidens from the village, and
none of the men who went to rescue them ever returned... a harsh and
terrible tale. Being who I am I couldt hear that story and stand by idle,
so now I find myself here, facing the tower...
- Genre: Fun/Gesellschaft
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2. Burn or mount the ISO with your favorite software.
3. Install the game and play.