Icewind Dale Compilation (DVD)

Release: Icewind Dale Compilation (DVD)

- Datum: 11.07.2006
In the northernmost reaches of the FORGOTTEN REALMS lies the frozen
region known as Icewind Dale. Journey deep into the Spine of the World
mountains, a harsh and unforgiving territory teeming with fearsome and
merciless beasts. There you must confront an ancient evil that threatens
to unleash an unspeakable horror upon the face of Faervn.
Continue the adventure in the Ten Towns with Icewind Dale: Heart of
Winter, the expansion pack for Icewind Dale. Includes additions that
increase playability and enhance and expand the adventure! Including
higher experience cap, gem bag and scroll case support, 6 main new areas
including Lonelywood, over 30 new higher level magic items, over 40 new
spells, and new monsters and NPCs. Heart of Winter is playable during or
after the original IceWind Dale.
In Icewind Dale 2, a grave new threat has arisen in the North, a threat
that seeks to seal off the Ten-Towns from the rest of Faervn in a bitter
power struggle. A vicious horde of goblins, orcs, and bugbears has
gathered beneath the mysterious banner of the Chimera and are marching
on the port town of Targos. Fearing that they will be overrun, Targos
has sent out a call for all able-bodied adventurers, soldiers, and
mercenaries to sail north to stand with the town\'s defenders against the
encroaching horde... and you and your companions have answered the call.
- Genre: Sammlungen
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DVD1 = Icewind Dale 1
CD1 = Icewind Dale 1: The Heart of Winter
CD2 + CD3 = Icewind Dale 2