Jennys Fish Shop v1.0

Release: Jennys Fish Shop v1.0

- Datum: 10.06.2008
Jenny has always dreamed of running her own aquarium. But does
she have what it takes to go from managing a tumbledown shop that
sells pet fish to operating a major aquatic attraction? Find out
by playing Jennys Fish Shop! Youll raise everything from hound
sharks to anglers as you construct beautiful tank interiors and
try to chalk up a high score by stringing together tricky combos.
Featuring addictive time management action, simple mouse controls
and graphics that show off the striking beauty of the marine
world, the bait has been set. Will you bite?
- Genre: Fun/Gesellschaft
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
HinweiseInstall JennysFishShop_1660.exe. Copy over precracked exe from
the Crack folder to the installed folder of Jennys Fish Shop,
making sure to overwrite the existing file. You now have a fully
activated version of Jennys Fish Shop!
the Crack folder to the installed folder of Jennys Fish Shop,
making sure to overwrite the existing file. You now have a fully
activated version of Jennys Fish Shop!