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Vivisector: Beast Within (DVD)

Release: Vivisector: Beast Within (DVD)

Vivisector: Beast Within (DVD)

Year 1878. Soreo Isle, a small, uninhabited, volcanic island in the Pacific. The Man, a masterful physiologist, well-known in scientific circles for his extraordinary imagination, howled out of England for his ambitious and rather disgusting experiments on animals. His name is Dr. Morhead. On this detached island he stepped aside from the world, to continue his twisted experiments. Violating the very foundations of nature, his work was aimed at the creation of a new form of living being. Dr. Morhead's work in his "Temple of Rebirth" sought to alter animals to look, feel and behave more like humans.

Many years of hard labor were spent in hopes of bringing his only desire into reality, the creation of a new type of clean and perfect community. He achieved remarkable results in giving animals a human look, but there was one thing he did not take into account: Animals are born as the children of nature, so their suffering bodies retained wild souls. The creatures' true nature could not be concealed forever, and the day came when Dr. Morhead fell prey to his own creations. "The Temple of Rebirth" burned into ruins.

In 1881, this island was visited by H. M. S. Spider. A party of sailors landed there, but found nothing living except some local animals, rather small.

Later, several newspapers stated that further information had been discovered. This mysterious information was under the rapt attention of the military, however it was not made public. Unfortunately, this information remains just a rumor without any official confirmation.

02.01.1978, one hundred years later.

Unexpected circumstances lead you to Soreo Isle. You have no other choice than to start exploring this lost world. As you proceed further you discover that this unknown land is not uninhabited. Indeed, for the last century it has served as a proving ground for the newest biological technologies. Further investigation reveals the island's horrifying secret. This is a very bad time to have appeared on this cursed land...


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