UFO: Afterlight (DVD)

Release: UFO: Afterlight (DVD)

- Datum: 10.02.2007
UFO: Afterlight is a mixture of squad based tactical action and global strategy with the
gamer controlling the actions of elite ground troops, and the running and construction of
an intricate network of interlinking bases while collecting resources.
UFO: Afterlight takes us to Mars, where a human colony has been built with the help of the
Reticulans not long before the events of UFO: Aftershock took place. Mars base is
self-sustainable and provides all the necessities for survival of humans on a foreign planet,
mainly breathable air, water and food. Although the people inhabiting this colony have the
technologies and knowledge required for their further development, basic survival is their
major concern. Their only activity is the research of a nearby excavation site, which proves
the existence of an ancient intelligent and highly developed alien civilization.
The player will enter the game when the research drastically affects all Mars inhabitants.
New and unexpected enemies appear in the form of robots, built centuries ago by the unknown
aliens for their protection, whose purpose is to eliminate any traces of other civilizations
on Mars.
Humans on Mars now have a good reason for their own development, even though not knowing yet
that the planetary self-defense mechanism might not be the worst awaiting them, and that their
unintentional opening of hyperspace gates will bring an even bigger enemy right to their door.
After all attempts to contact the Earth Laputa fail, the colonists are left with no other choice
than to fight the enemies with their own means, or be annihilated.
* combination of global strategy and tactical missions
* new strategic game with resource management and the possibility of terraforming in later
stages of the game
* advanced tactical portion of the game with the possibility to enter buildings, different heights,
destructible environment, thermo visions and more
* even stronger RPG elements, all of your subjects are known by name, complex training system,\
special equipment and more
* completely new story building on the events from UFO: Aftershock
* large number of new technologies, weapons and equipment to develop
* completely new environments on a different planet to Earth
* more complex diplomacy option which affects the story
* aliens, drones and robots in your team
* new enemies and new alien races with variable weapons and battle tactics
- Genre: Adventure
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
2) Mount release using latest version of daemon tools (www.daemon-tools.cc)
3) Install the game
4) Unpack our loader from included Tools dir and run it then click on hide drives
5) Boot the game using the original game executable