World Poker Championship 2

Release: World Poker Championship 2

- Datum: 14.04.2007
Championship Poker 2: Featuring Howard Lederer is the sequel to the best-selling card game. This time you're returning to the high-stakes table with more experience -- but so are your challengers. Put your poker skills to the test, as you try bluffing and trying to steal the pot from some of the world's toughest Professional poker players.
- 14 different varieties of poker, from Texas Hold 'em and Five-Card Stud to Deuce-to-Seven Triple Draw and Razz - Ace to Five
- Active tell and bluff system, RPG-like Upgradeable skill system and Character outfitting
- Features 8 of the world's best professional poker professionals - Howard Lederer, Annie Duke, Greg Raymer, Amir Vahedi, Paul Darden, Clonie Gowen, Robert Williamson III and featuring announcing by Matt Savage
- Choice of Real Deal simulation or Power Play arcade modes
- Hip new look with Rat Pack era themed shell and HUD, more realistic looking characters and advanced animation system
- Genre: Fun/Gesellschaft
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