Miss Popularity: Your Style, Your Friends, Your Choices

Release: Miss Popularity: Your Style, Your Friends, Your Choices
- Datum: 15.07.2007
Girls Just Want to Have Fun!
Life is full of choices û will you make the right ones? Lend a hand
to an Earth-friendly organization, chase a crush, and deal with
everyday life. YouÆre Miss Popularity and everyone looks to you to
do the right thing. So what are you waiting for?
Check out the latest trends.
Customize your character in the 3D clothing gallery. Choose your
hair color, clothing, hair style and much more!
Be the one they notice!
Stay in shape by working out on the treadmill or in step aerobics.
Stay in vogue with the dating scene!
Check out the ôINö magazines with your best friends to learn the
doÆs and donÆts of dating.
Help your parents and do your homework to gain permission to go to
the mall or to get the latest make-up.
Meet up with your best friends as the mall for makeovers, shopping
and hot gossip!
Get a text message from your girlfriend about a hip-hop band
playing at the club!
Keep your neighborhood beautiful by picking up the trash or teach
voice lessons to earn extra cash!
Which guy is for you?
The Athlete-awesome at all sports and digs wildly popluar girls.
The Skater-vegetarian who adores animals and super cool skater girls.
The Musician-loves to listen to killer music or just chill out
with a pop princess.
- Genre: Simulationen
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