Sallys Salon v1.0

Release: Sallys Salon v1.0

- Datum: 26.07.2007
Help Sally make her way from the humble beginnings of a
stylist in her hometown shopping mall to the super star
status of a top beautician in glamorous Hollywood.
As you grow and evolve your very own virtual beauty
salon youll meet a diverse group of emotional
customers. From little old ladies to punk rockers youll
work with Sally to make the world a more beautiful place
one customer at a time. Make sure youre giving each
customer the style color etc. they really want or youll
have a tough time advancing your career. So what do you
think Can you make the cut
- Genre: Fun/Gesellschaft
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Hinweise1. Unzip unrar and install program.
2. Unzip into Sallys Salon-directory.
2. Unzip into Sallys Salon-directory.