Happily Ever After

Release: Happily Ever After
Happily Ever After is the hilarious new fairy tale puzzle
adventure from Honeyslug now available for your PC.
You play a blogger who find yourself stranded in the
magical kingdom of Unbelievaville. Following a hostile
encounter with the Evil Queen, your only way home is to
help out the cast of familiar fairytale characters with
unfamiliar problems. These inhabitants include BB Wolff –
the local smarmy estate agent, Goldilocks, a special girl
with very particular tastes, a stunt bike gingerbread man
and an oafish, lazy prince who is charming only by name.
Releasing with 24 levels and over 100 games including
hidden objects, logic puzzles and many more unique brain
teasers…. This is no bedtime story! This is a wonderful
game that has something for all the family and will
provide many happy hours of entertainment.
Happily Ever After has been developed by Honeyslug, a
BAFTA winning London based independent developer
that create and collaborate on video games across a
range of platforms. Twice featured in the prestigious
Independent Games Festival in 2010 and 2011 previous
hits include Kahoots (PSP minis, iOS, PC), Poto &
Cabenga (iOS, PC) and Balloon Headed Boy (iOS, PC).
The lead designer on the project is Nat Marco, Honeyslug
founder. The humerous scripts have been brought to the
game by Hannah McKay who has written regularly for
television including Hotel Trubble Jinx.
- Genre: Action
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