Eyes Bandegades Genesis Of Darkness Episode 1

Release: Eyes Bandegades Genesis Of Darkness Episode 1
“… and the Reason said: We are pieces of the One, the
One is part of All, and we are the parts of him that have
awakened to the knowledge of their relevance…”
Genesis of Darkness introduces the player to the world of
Eyes Bandegades. Recall the old school genre of Space
Shooter in astonishing 3D environments as you use your
spaceship to shoot, dodge and exterminate the enigmatic
Nagjut forces.
Fly trough a non-stop action atmosphere as you fight
armies of bio-energetic machines. Unravel the history of
the race that once tamed the stars, discover the true
meaning of the power behind the Eyes of the Void, and
battle to save the human corporations from extinction.
- Genre: Action
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