Bunch of Heroes

Release: Bunch of Heroes
The Bunch is the most formidable team of elite fighters ever assembled from around the world. What brought them together? Well, obviously the Earth is under attack! An alien invasion is threatening all humankind, without regards to gender, color or nationality. And these nasty aliens have a powerful Zombie Army™ at their disposal!
Play as Agent Liu, Jared Joe, El Camarada or Captain Smith becoming humanity’s last line of defense. Survive by any means necessary wielding a huge arsenal that includes flame throwers, rail guns and gravity bombs. Or charge over-the-top super powers that will annihilate your enemies! Cooperate online with up to 4 players.
“Bunch of Heroes” features stylized cartoon like artwork, funky rock and roll music, cutting edge technology, great humor and cooperative gameplay to inspire zombie killers and E.T. haters alike all over the globe!
Become a Hero; Earth needs a bunch of them at least!
- Genre: Action
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