Undercover: Operation Wintersun

Release: Undercover: Operation Wintersun
- Datum: 27.09.2007
In 1943, HitlerÆs Germany is performing scientific research on nuclear
fission intending to produce nuclear energy as well as nuclear weaponry.
In Undercover: Operation Wintersun players will slip into the role of
British scientist Dr. John Russell. Hired by BritainÆs Secret Service MI6,
you must serve your country, the Crown, and the world by investigating this
dangerous mission to prevent the Nazis from building a devastating bomb.
Best described as an enthralling point & click adventure set in WWII,
Undercover features a powerful spy-thriller theme with suspenseful
situations. Although the story is purely fictitious, historical Second
World War facts remain highly authentic establishing a compelling gameplay
- Genre: Adventure
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