Little Shop of Treasures 2 v2.0.0.49

Release: Little Shop of Treasures 2 v2.0.0.49

- Datum: 14.10.2007
Welcome back to Huntington and an all-new adventure of
seek-and-find fun! Help the shoppers of this charming little
town find the items they desire and earn enough money to
restore and re-open your Uncle Roys gas station. Search for
well-hidden items in a wide variety of Huntingtons shops -
including the Import Shop you opened in Little Shop of
Treasures and your newly restored Gas Station. Its another
day and another fantastic Little Shop!
- Genre: Fun/Gesellschaft
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2) Generate a valid serial with our keygen.
3) Enjoy!
2) Generate a valid serial with our keygen.
3) Enjoy!