M4 Tank Brigade 2012

Release: M4 Tank Brigade 2012
M4 Tank Brigade promises to become the standard in
World War II tank games with explosive gameplay,
unparalleled realism, and beautifully rendered, historically
accurate terrains, all from the battlegrounds of the
Ardennes Forest. Choose to battle with 10 different
World War II combat vehicles, including Shermans,
Pershings, and the intimidating Panzer tanks!
M4 Tank Brigade brings a full Campaign mode where
players start in early WW II tanks and progress through
the years of 1939 to 1945 getting better and more
deadly tanks as the war goes on. Players can play from
either the Axis or Allied sides. The single player game
also includes Training Missions, Instant Action Missions,
and exciting Massively Multiplayer Online Game Play!
Follow on to the World Famous “M1 Tank Platoon” from
MicroProse Software The fun and excitement of the
original M1 Tank Platoon is back from IENT CEO Wild Bill
Stealey who was the person who thought up the original
M1 concept, acted as the game producer, and acted as
the head tester for the original M1 Tank Platoon when he
was Founder and CEO of MicroProse Software.
Proven Track Record. M4 Tank Brigade, the WWII
ground simulation is built upon the framework of the
widely popular gaming system and concepts of the
WarBirds TotalSims series of military games, deemed the
“top of the online flight-simming pyramid”1 and several
time winner of “simulation of the year” awards.
Campaign and Single-player options. The new ‘ease of
use’ interface will have the players immersed in the
exciting single player action in no time!
Multiple Skill Levels for Beginners to Experts. Enjoy M4
Tank Brigade as an arcade game or as a simulation.
New Player Support. M4 Tank Brigade delivers exciting
and helpful options to make driving and gunning a breeze
for new players.
New Role-playing Reward System. M4 Tank Brigade
introduces its new role-playing reward system that
invites players to become immersed in their personas by
allowing them to grow in rank and medals as they
successfully complete missions.
Historical Accuracy and Remarkable Detail. M4 Tank
Brigade dedicates itself entirely to the same remarkable
historical accuracy and attention to detail that has made
the WarBirds series one of the most visually impressive
war sims ever.
A Wealth of Options. Players can choose from
countless online scenarios, modes
and options that gives M4 Tank Brigade a stunningly
deep playing experience.
Online Play. Master the single player missions and
training and you will be ready for the next step – battling
other live players online! Play in the online arenas for
Free for 30 Days and join the TotalSims community
arenas where hundreds of players recreate the actual
missions of World War II. The TotalSims online
community has consistently been rated one of the best
and most helpful to beginners, providing a perfect
environment for non-experienced and veteran players
- Genre: Simulationen