Syder Arcade v1.02

Release: Syder Arcade v1.02
Syder Arcade is a side scroller shoot ‘em up set in a
future not far away: the player is called to choose his
spaceship and defend the human colony of Miza from an
alien threat. Stunning 3D graphics and an electronic
soundtrack carry the gamer into six different story
levels, through the adventure for saving his planet. The
quest can be played in four difficulty levels, trying all the
different vintage mods inspired by the arcade gaming
This game is our love letter to early 90’ shoot ‘em ups for
Amiga and PC.
We wanted to bring back the challenge and the beauty
of old the school classics we loved as kids and mix them
with some modern tricks to create a new experience.
At Studio Evil we were avid gamers before becoming
game developers. Syder Arcade is our first commercial
game and we wanted to create a title that we would love
to play in the first place.
A real challenge for the player, and a feast for the eyes.
We wanted to start from the very roots of gaming, and
we started with shoot em’ ups.
We carefully examined both old school classics and
modern bullet hell games trying to find a mixed formula
that could bring back that old school vibe, and at the
same time bring some new style of challenge.
Waste no more time Player One, chose your Starfighter
and prepare to smash your keyboard!
- Genre: Action
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1 Datei 268,43 MB
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