Football Manager 2014

Release: Football Manager 2014
• Match Flow: new feature, bringing more atmosphere to match days, with previews, team talks, the game itself and post match
• International: revamped international management model, replete with retirements, player interaction, scouting and much more
• Easier to use: the game boasts a cleaner skin and a new advisor system to make it easier to play
• Confidence: its now much easier to find out what the board and supporters think about your performance, right down to opinions on individual signings!
• Transfer centre: new way to manage all transfer and loan bids
• Match engine: greatly improved, and new feature to change the dimensions of your home pitch to suit your players!
• Finances: more information available and an updated financial segment to the game
• Fan days: a great way to boost ailing attendances
• Media: expanded media segment, with more feedback and detail than ever before
- Genre: Sport
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