Cabela's Big Game Hunter: Pro Hunts

Release: Cabelas.Big.Game.Hunter.Pro.Hunts-RELOADED
In the lusciously realistic nature environments of ?Cabelas: Big Game Hunter Pro Hunts,? passionate hunting hobbyists can eagerly engage in their favorite past-time without leaving the comfort of their own home. Enthusiastic aficionados will be immersed in an engagingly accurate depiction of rugged wilderness. These animals truly come to life for the kill. Partake in a savagely surreal slaughter that represents the sport's pure essence of outdoorsy sophistication. Scope out a beautiful specimen, and then bag the game with a single tactfully placed shot. Notorious figureheads of modern hunting culture appear in true form. Four iconic shooters star in this trailblazing romp through unprecedentedly sharp landscapes and terrains. Jim Shockey lends his fame to the series by reprising his Uncharted style. Meanwhile, Wade Middleton joins the hunt with deadly pizzazz that stems from endless veteran credentials. Finally, family friendly fun is instilled by the addition of Ralph and Vicki Cianci
- Genre: Action
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