Dark Raid

Release: Dark.Raid-CODEX
Saving the world from an alien invasion is in your hands. Dark Raid is a FPS Action game developed by an independent developer studio 'Vector Games'. Dark Raid is a new concept of mixing good old-school FPS game styles and new generation graphics and game-play. With the next-gen graphics and scenario, Dark Raid offers the players an amazing FPS Action game experience.
A research ship named S.W.A.N, receives an unknown signal from an unknown source while cruising throughout the deep space. The ship gets attacked and invaded all of a sudden. You're the only one who can stop this invasion and save the human kind from total extinction. Brace yourselves to fight with sinister enemies and save the world!
Key Features
- Two different game modes, Single-Player(Story) and Multi-Player
- The Real FPS Action : Mixing good old-school FPS game styles with new generation graphics and game-play, in this game you will find the old-school FPS Action that you missed.
- Enemies with different levels of intelligence and fighting skills.
- Old-School Boss Fights
- Fast paced game-play
- Fast paced game-play
- Death Match, Team Death Match, Capture The Flag Modes
- Tough enemy bots
- Enjoy being a robot warrior and fight the sinister enemies without mercy
- Genre: FPS
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