Beast Boxing Turbo

Release: Beast.Boxing.Turbo-PROPHET
An artfully designed first-person boxing game with freestyle arcade action in which you punch a turkey in the face.
Beast Boxing Turbo is a challenging first-person boxing game with fast-paced freestyle boxing action. You play a secret human boxer in a beastly world. She’s outmuscled, undersized, and in way over her head. Can she master the skills needed to get to the top of the legendary boxing leagues of Beasthalla?
Develop a fighting rhythm between attack and defense, and don’t give up hope if you can’t beat these monsters on your first try. There’s a host of skills to train, and new gear to acquire that can give you an edge in the ring. Build up your boxing skills to match your personal style, and beat the grand champion of the Ultra League to unlock NewGame Plus mode and reach a new level of challenge.
- Genre: Action
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1 Datei 115,80 MB 1 Datei 115,80 MB 1 Datei
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