The Last Dogma

Release: The_Last_Dogma-FASiSO
The Last Dogma is a first person dark comedy action-adventure set in the year 1999 of an alternate reality world, where US actively campaigns for world domination, UK is ruled by the dictator from Iran and Yugoslavia is being invaded by several countries.
You play as Sebastian Arise, an ATF special agent tasked with the tracking and eradication of local firearms dealers. One day straightforward tracking mission turns into disaster, thrusting him into the village of cannibalistic Christian cult known as “Holy Intentions”. Entwined in a web of intrigues between emotion-feeding daemons, Sebastian must keep his senses sharp as he travels back in 1366 A.D. to stop the things he shouldn’t stop.
The game is a reboot of Sacred Line Genesis, horror game for Sega Genesis which will be released on cartridges in February 2015 by Watermelon, both games are connected in their own way. The Last Dogma wasn’t inspired by anything, but it has similarities with games Jazzpunk, The Stanley Parable, Killer7 and movies Southland Tales and Red State.
- Genre: Adventure
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