Buzz"I'm really excited to play an Advance Wars-style game on PC, finally."- Evan Lahti, PC Gamer"From the presentation to the gameplay mechanics to the sound design, TINY METAL is incredibly ambitious and will be introducing new takes on the genre as well."- Roberto Nieves, Stack-Up"'If Nintendo Won't Make A New Advance Wars, These Guys Will' - It's...well, it's Advance Wars. The cute design, the square tiles, the turn-based combat, the rock-paper-scissors strategy, the cute character art, the branching narrative campaign, the works."- Luke Plunkett, KotakuÜber das SpielEs herrscht KRIEG in TINY METAL, der Reinkarnation japanischer Arcade-Strategiespiele!Bezwinge den Gegner mit deiner Armee aus Fußsoldaten, Panzern, Helikoptern, taktischen Fahrzeugen und Kampfflugzeugen. Erobere gegnerische Gebiete und erweitere deine militärische Kontrolle über das gewaltige Herrschaftsgebiet von Zipang. Verfolge die ergreifende Geschichte um Nathan Gries und beantworte dir die Frage, wofür es sich zu kämpfen lohnt - und wofür nicht.Inspiriert von rundenbasierten Strategiespielen der Vergangenheit, greift TINY METAL das feingeschliffene Gameplay klassischer japanischer Taktikspiele auf und macht es mit großartiger Grafik, 15 einzigartigen Einheiten und nie dagewesenen Spielmechaniken tauglich für die heutige Zeit. TINY METAL ist das japanische Arcade-Strategiespiel, das du dir als Kind immer gewünscht hast.Play as Artemisian Lieutenant Nathan Gries as he commands his units to victory against the villainous nation of Zipang. There will be several friends and enemies along the way with varied factions, units, and abilities in the 20 hours of single-player campaign gameplay. Players will have to carefully consider varying terrain, positioning for attacks, and strategic advancements and defenses. Nathan GriesLieutenant Nathan Gries hails from a family of military lineage. His father died in the last war when Nathan was still young. Col. Lindberg was a friend of Nathan's father and came to offer guidance to Nathan. Nathan is well-regarded by his superiors and peers alike with a promising future and noble intentions... Although Nathan is a model officer, his lack of experience may lead to situations where he could be exploited.WolframCommander Wolfram, a fierce, strategic, independent, business-minded soldier, and leader of the White Fangs. She lost her brother in the previous Artemisia/Zipang war. He fought, foolishly, for a nation that cared little for him. Which is irrelevant. He died believing he was fighting for a greater cause. She vowed never to make the same mistake. Wolfram will take any job that is profitable but one never knows what she might have up her sleeve...Isoroku TsukumoLord Isoroku Tsukumo ("of 3 million stones"), the leading vassal of the Zipang shogunate. His title is a measure of his greatness, how much he owns, and how many people he supports with his rule. Tsukumo has an extreme obligation to duty and honor. He takes care of his people first and foremost but is always strict and lawful, especially to himself.Campaign mode Follow the gripping story of Nathan and his unit as they struggle with the war and question what is -- and what isn't -- worth fighting for in a 20-hour campaign full of unique characters of various factions.Unique Attack SystemUse careful planning and strategy to attack from positions behind and beside to inflict more damage, or Focus Fire attacks with mutiple units to crush your enemies!Online MultiplayerSoon-to-be-added online mode will test you against other players in 1-on-1 matches online or via local play!Skirmish MatchesJump straight into the action with dozens of skirmish matches that challenge the player with fun scenarios against a variety of foes.UnitsTake control of 15 unique units, from basic Riflemen to advanced Gunships and Metals, each with their own strengths and weakness. Witness your units get stronger as they gain experience on the battlefield.TerrainDifferent terrain types offer various bonuses, rewarding players who take advantage of the forest, cities, and factories scattered around the maps. Some terrain even give players access to new units and powerful hero units!Hero UnitsPowerful units that can be called into battle. Hero units grow stronger over the course of the campaign and can be brought over from mission to mission.MusicBop along to the beats of TINY METAL's upbeat soundtrack composed by the Japanese prodigy Tomoki Miyoshi, whose past works include SOULCALIBUR V, Steins;Gate, and I am Setsuna.
- Genre: Strategy