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Dark Deception Chapter 2

Release: Dark.Deception.Chapter.2-PLAZA

Dark Deception Chapter 2

Dark Deception Chapter 2 is the next chapter in the Dark Deception story. Face off against 2 new nightmares - Agatha & the Gold Watchers. Dark Deception mixes the fast-paced style of classic arcade games with fun horror game design. Trapped in a dark world full of nightmarish mazes and ridiculous monsters, the only way out is to face the darkness and find a way to survive. Features:Fast-paced Arcade Horror: No hiding in lockers here. Run for your life and run fast. Enemies can be stunned and avoided, but not killed. Power System: Earn XP and unlock powers as you progress that will allow you to even the odds and survive longer against horrendous creatures. High Quality: AAA-quality graphics and creative designs give players a variety of unique and terrifying worlds and enemies to survive. Hazardous Environments: Enemies are not the only danger. The mazes themselves are full of traps, hazards, and other dangers to watch out for. Unique Enemies: Every nightmare presents a unique creature that has its own distinct AI. Players will have to change up their tactics in order to survive. Dark Humor: While scary, Dark Deception is not a bloody or gory game and features it's own stylized brand of dark humor. Dark Deception was designed to be enjoyed by everyone.

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