Velvet Assassin

Release: Velvet Assassin
As World War II wages outside of a lonely hospital window, it also plays
inside of the mind of Violette Summer. While in a coma, the British
Intelligence agent relives both the hushed and heavy horrors the she
experienced while sabotaging the Nazi regime. Inspired by real-life WWII
heroine Violette Szabo, Velvet Assassin reveals the revulsions of war
that are never spoken aloud. Through third person game play, sneak up on
enemies and pull the pins from their belted grenades. Infiltrate a Nazi
camp and slip cyanide to your own men before the Germans make them talk.
Slink through the shadows to finish off your unsuspecting enemies with
a single, perfectly aimed shot. Through Violettels fever dreams,
experience what she experienced. Walk where she walked. Kill those she
* Lure your enemy by whistle to a puddle of gasoline right before you
ignite it or turn off their radio to bring them a step closer to the
cold reach of Violettels silent knife.
* Explore surreal, dreamlike settings that are modeled after actual
World War II locations.
* Experience the unimaginable horrors of stealthaction warfare in the
shadows of Nazi-controlled Europe.
* Change Violettels attributes to suit your playing style, whether
it is increased stealth, more strength, or better weapon handling.
- Genre: Action
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Game is MULTI5 EFGIS (english/french/german/italian/spanish)
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