Light of Altair RIP v1.01 *UPDATE*

Release: Light of Altair RIP v1.01 *UPDATE*

- Datum: 15.08.2009
Light of Altair is a sci-fi colony building game with a deep plot.
Grow colonies from landing pod to metropolis, while sending off new
spaceships to expand your territory to other worlds. You are not alone
in space, 8 factions from different parts of the world are all
following their own agendas in the solar system; diplomacy and
orbital-combat are essential to learn.
Light of Altair is based on a custom built 3D engine that enables easy
zooming from galaxies all the way down to individual moons and
asteroids covered in the colonies with their glass domes, mines and
launch pads. Advanced shader technology is used to add rich details
and lighting to surfaces.
Colony building on planets and asteroids throughout a system.Manage
industries and colonists to grow from a tiny landing unit into a
towering city.
Detailed storyline based on a future-history of Earth. Rich single
player campaign traced across the galaxy. Play out important plot
events from different sides taking on the role of one of 8 different
Detailed tech-tree with over 30 weapons, buildings, and ship-mods to
Design ships: Pick a ship schematic and equip weapons, armour and mods
to hardpoints. Then command shipyards to build a fleet from the
design. Cinematic camera views of space battles in planet orbit
- Genre: Action
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<
Light of Altair RIP v1.01 Update REPACK
Repack Notes:
Sorry that we packed the wrong exe to you.
Thanks to ReUnion for telling us :)
Release Notes:
Update Notes of Light of Altair Patch 1.01
- Added enemy fleet ETAs on a planet's tooltip
- Added option to deactivate construction mode on RMB
- Added tooltips on why building deletion may not be allowed
Autosave issue relating to combat
AI issue in 'The Luyten Incident'
Plural errors in the colony economy tooltip
Objective issue in 'Remnants of the Past'
Energy use of Shield Generators
Game crash due to low framerate
Objective criteria in 'Cities of Jupiter'
Objective completion in 'Formations'
Save of structures not in a colony
Starbase issues with destruction
Trade issues where trade routes were not created
AI corrected in 'Ascension'
Travel time popup shows correct value of days
Various possessive grammatical errors with its and
Ripped : Nothing