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1701 A. D. Gold Edition

Release: 1701 A. D. Gold Edition

1701 A. D. Gold Edition

Discover, Build and Rule Your New World.

1701 A.D. Gold Edition includes the critically acclaimed empire building strategy game 1701 A.D. and introduces for the first time in North America the expansion 1701 A.D. – The Sunken Dragon. The Sunken Dragon adds to 1701 A.D.’s nearly limitless replayability with a new 11-mission, story-driven campaign and a new world editor that allows gamers to design and share maps for single-player or online play. New computer artificial intelligence profiles, buildings, subquests and an empire-shattering new natural disaster add even more depth to the robust 1701 A.D. experience.

1701 A.D. Gold Edition takes players to an 18th-century land under the Queen’s orders to develop settlements and grow a massive empire. Players must keep their citizenry happy by developing and acquiring goods to satisfy their ever-growing needs while working to gain the upper hand on opponents. Gamers will challenge wily AI antagonists, each with unique personalities and traits, or take on human opposition online and interact with them through diplomacy, trade, sabotage, espionage and even military might in order to reign supreme in the New World.


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