Risen *CLONE*

Release: Risen *CLONE*

- Datum: 02.10.2009
Shipwrecked and ready for adventure! Come face-to-face with untold mysteries on a dangerous, forbidden island: ancient temples suddenly bursting forth from the earth, monstrous creatures roaming long lost ruins, active volcanoes, treasures from a distant past, and a ruthless inquisitor who rules inside the city walls with an iron fist. Unlock the terrifying secrets of Risen and never be the same again. This latest open-world RPG by Piranha Bytes delivers a thrilling edge-ofyour- seat storyline wrapped in a fully immersive sensory experience. You will enter the Risen world uniquely through mood, emotion, and cultural exploration, in addition to hallmark RPG interactions such as dialogue and combat. A vast reputation system sets a new standard in the genre, lending unparalleled sophistication and subtlety to the gameplay.
- Genre: Adventure
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