A Farewell To Dragons

Release: A Farewell To Dragons
A Farewell to Dragons is a classic Action/RPG that takes place in the universe based on the fantasy book written by famous
Russian writers Sergey Lukyanenko and Nikolay Perumov. Fateful times began in the Middle World, from now on its destiny
depends on Victor, the main character of the game. The hero will discover the magic of four elements, master the power and
fulfill his destiny. Leaded by young sorceress Telle the hero has to grasp in intrigues, experience himself and accept his fate. Will he become Dragon the Created or the Dragon Slayer?
- Classic party Action / RPG.
- Superb blend of fantasy and steampunk settings.
- Main character possesses the magic of four elements, totem spells, cold steel and fire-arms.
- Mystery sorceress Telle, femme fatale from Clan of Cat named Loy Iver and other fascinating characters.
- Effectiveness of elemental magic depends on the time of day - you need to choose the battle time carefully!
- Genre: Action
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.DDL-Links
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