Mad Skills Motocross

Release: Mad Skills Motocross

- Datum: 05.11.2009
A motocross game that focuses on pure, simple fun. Race like a mad
man. Do backflips over spectacular jumps. Land perfectly, full
throttle, and off you go.
You will collect achievement-like stars for tricks. You will get
power-ups that might seem silly and useless at first. But these
power-ups will be very useful once it ‘clicks’ for you and you figure
out when and how to use them.
Unlike most other sidescrolling motocross games, Mad Skills Motocross
is not about puzzles and obstacles. It is about racing. Pure and simple.
Getting to the finish line in the shortest time possible is the
primary goal, while pulling off backflips, frontflips, wheelies and
more is the secondary goal.
*Amazing physics and fun
*5 power-ups (incl. Nitro)
*5 divisions
*52 tracks and challenges
*In-game level editor
*Get stars for tricks
*Easy to learn, very hard to master
- Genre: Rennsport
Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.DDL-Links
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