Escape from Paradise City (DVD)

Release: Escape from Paradise City (DVD)

- Datum: 02.11.2007
In a not too distant future a top-secret government agency is working to
combat a dire threat against humanity. People across the United States
have become infected with a strange disease that transforms them into
vicious undead creatures with inhuman strength and a taste for the blood
of the living. So far the agency has managed to contain this disease by
destroying all their nests that have sprung up across North America until
a pattern emerges and points towards the origin of the plague: Paradise City.
A decrepit port on the eastern seaboard of the United States;
Paradise City is a "free city", a colourful cesspool of crime and corruption
controlled by an alliance of criminal families and street gangs. Most
officials and police are deeply corrupt, controlled by the local families.
This is the one place where the agency has no power and now the source of
the mysterious plague sits somewhere inside the city, out of the agency's
Powerless to investigate the spread of the infestation inside the city;
the Agency is forced to use an undercover agent, a criminal who can operate
outside the law and reach places where the agents can't. Now this agent must
infiltrate Paradise City by joining the gangs that control the city to find
the source of the plague.
The agent sent by the Agency has everything to lose.
- Genre: Adventure
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4. Use serial
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