Android Only Paid Applications Collection 2018 (Week 41)

Release: Android Only Paid Applications Collection 2018 (Week 41)

- Datum: 13.11.2018
3C Process Monitor Pro v2.3.4 [Patched].apk
7-Minute Workouts -Daily Fitness with No Equipment v1.3.5 [Premium].apk
10% Happier Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics v1.7.1 [Premium].apk
Adguard - Block Ads Without Root v2.12.239 [Premium].apk
Aivy - Icon Pack v3.6 [Patched].apk
Aix Weather Widget (donate) v0.1.9.15 [Paid].apk
allery Vault - Hide Pictures And Videos v3.9.8 [Pro].apk
All-in-One Calculator v1.7.1 [Pro Mod].apk
Ango - Icon Pack v3.5 [Patched].apk
ANTIMO ICON PACK v6.5 [Patched].apk
Aqua Mail - email app v1.17.0-1306 Final Stable [Pro].apk
Arc Launcher Pro v10.5 [Patched].apk
Ascii Art Generator - Cool Symbol -Emoji v4.0.3 [Premium].apk
Assistant Pro for Android v23.46 [Paid].apk
Astrolapp Planets and Sky Map v3.0.0.4 [Paid].apk
Augustro Music Player [Paid].apk
BackCountry Navigator TOPO GPS v6.8.4 [Paid].apk
Battery Meter Overlay v3.1.1 [Pro].apk
BELUK ICON PACK v7.5 [Patched].apk
BigBlu Substratum Theme v26.3 [Patched] Nougat.apk
BigBlu Substratum Theme v26.3 [Patched] Oreo.apk
BikeComputer Pro v7.10.4 [Paid].apk
BikeComputer Pro v7.10.4 [Patched].apk
Blue Light Filter Pro v1.6.3 [Paid].apk
Borealis - Icon Pack v1.14.1 [Paid].apk
Carly for BMW - (New Version) v28.90 [Full].apk
Chrooma - Chameleon Smart Keyboard vhelium-0.2.3 [Pro].apk
ClockView - Always On Talking World time Widget v3.88 [Pro].apk
Compass Coordinate v3.83 [Pro].apk
Corvy - Icon Pack v3.5 [Patched].apk
CPU X System & Hardware Info v2.6.2 [Mod].apk
Daily Ab Workout v5.25 [Paid].apk
Daily Arm Workout v5.25 [Paid].apk
Daily Butt Workout v5.25 [Paid].apk
Daily Leg Workout v5.25 [Paid].apk
Darko 2 - Icon Pack v1.3 [Paid].apk
Darkonis - Icon Pack v1.9 [Paid].apk
Device Info HW+ v4.15.2 [Patched].apk
DYNASTIE Icon Pack v3.51 [Patched].apk
Eon Player Pro v4.6 Final [Paid].apk
Expense IQ v2.0.5 [Premium].apk
Field Recorder v8.2 [Patched].apk
File Commander - File Manager Explorer v5.1.19111 [Premium Mod].apk
File Manager by Augustro [Paid].apk
FK Kernel Manager - for all devices & Kernels v3.7 [Paid].apk
FK Kernel Manager - for all devices & Kernels v3.7 [Patched].apk
Floating Apps (multitasking) v4.8 build 140807031 [Patched] ARM.apk
Floating Apps (multitasking) v4.8 build 140807031 [Patched] ARM64.apk
Floating Apps (multitasking) v4.8 build 140807031 [Patched] x86.apk
FotMob Pro - Live Soccer Scores v85.0.5561.20181011 [Paid].apk
Fraction calculator free easy solve math problems v2.0.1 [Pro].apk
Gallery Vault - Hide Pictures And Videos v3.9.8 [Pro] LIC.apk
Glass Icon Pack v1.2.5 [Paid].apk
GO SMS Pro v7.80 build 466 [Premium].apk
Golden Glass Nova Icon Pack v7.5 [Paid].apk
Hide My Number Pro v1.02 [Paid].apk
icon pack iOS 11 Concept - iPhone X Theme HD v5 [Patched].apk
Infinite Painter v6.1.76 [Unlocked] ARM.apk
Infinite Painter v6.1.76 [Unlocked] ARM64.apk
Infinite Painter v6.1.76 [Unlocked] x86.apk
KasatMata UI Icon Pack Theme v7.9 [Patched].apk
L Speed (Boost&Battery) [ROOT] v1.5.4 Final [Mod] Proper.apk
Learn English Phrases English Translator v13.3.0 [Premium].apk
Lucky Patcher v7.4.7 [Mod-Lite].apk
Lunar Calendar PRO v2.3 [Paid].apk
Manga Rock – Best Manga Reader v3.6.3 [Premium].apk
Maps - Navigate & Explore v10.1.1.apk
Maps - Navigate & Explore v10.2.0 ARM.apk
Maps - Navigate & Explore v10.2.0 ARM64.apk
Mate UI - Material Icon Pack v1.62 [Paid].apk
Matte Black Icon Pack v3.2 [Patched].apk
Media365 Book Reader v4.1.1038 [Premium].apk
MediSafe Meds & Pill Reminder v8.15.06587 [Premium].apk
MENTALIST Blue Icon Pack v3.5 [Paid].apk
Mi Bandage - Mi Band 3,2 & Amazfit Bip,Cor support v3.3.0 [Premium].apk
MiXplorer v6.29.9_B1810111.apk
Mondo Icon Pack v1.0.3 [Patched].apk
Money Lover Budget App & Expense Tracker v3.8.33.2018101111 [Premium].apk
MX Player Pro v1.10.13 [Patched AC3 DTS Ultra Mod Lite].apk
Natural mathematics display calculator fx 991 ms v3.6.0-build-11-10-2018-18-release [Premium].apk
NORDIC Icon Pack v3.51 [Patched].apk
NYTimes - Latest News v6.20.4 [Subscribed].apk
onTouch English Dictionary - Premium v3.4 [Paid].apk
PAINTING - ICON PACK v2.6 [Patched].apk
Perfect Icon Pack v6.2 [Patched].apk
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4 Dateien 1,86 GB 4 Dateien 1,86 GB
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