Android Apps Pack Daily v07-07-2021

Release: Android Apps Pack Daily v07-07-2021

- Datum: 11.07.2021
Größe: 3970 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: APK
Plattform: Android
Gallery - Hide Pictures and Videos, XGallery v1.3.0 (Pro)
Video Player All Format - XPlayer v2.2.1.2 (Premium)
Screen Recorder, Video Recorder, V Recorder Editor v6.3.0 (VIP) (No Google)
Screen Recorder, Video Recorder, V Recorder Editor v6.3.0 (VIP)
Fruti Icon Pack v1.0.9 (Patched)
Enhance it - Fix and improve your photos v3.0.5 (Premium) (Mod) (All in One)
Colorize it - Colorize Black and White Photos v1.1.10 (Premium) (Mod)
Pixel Icon Pack v4.1 (Patched)
Accupedo Pedometer - Step Counter v9.0.6.4 (Premium) (Armeabi-v7a)
Iris - Substratum Theme v1.3.1 (Patched)
Accupedo Pedometer - Step Counter v9.0.6.4 (Premium)
Neo - Icon Pack v2.2 (Patched)
Material UI Dark Icon Pack v1.15 (Patched)
Dunes KWGT v2021.Jul.06.18 (Paid)
Fing - Network Tools v11.4.0 b110401001 (Premium) (Mod) (All in One)
Fing - Network Tools v11.4.0 b110401001 (Premium) (Mod) (AOSP) (All in One)
App Cloner v2.7.1 (Premium)
Lavien Adaptive Icon Pack v0.7 (Mod) (Sap)
eReader Prestigio: Book Reader v6.6.4 b2106300 (Mod Extra) (x86_64)
eReader Prestigio: Book Reader v6.6.4 b2106300 (Mod Extra) (x86)
eReader Prestigio: Book Reader v6.6.4 b2106300 (Mod Extra) (Arm64-v8a)
eReader Prestigio: Book Reader v6.6.4 b2106300 (Mod Extra) (Armeabi-v7a)
Alpha Backup Pro v30.0.4 (Paid) (Patched) (Mod Extra)
Elevate - Brain Training Games v5.46.0 (Pro) (Mod Extra) (Arm64-v8a)
Elevate - Brain Training Games v5.46.0 (Pro) (Mod Extra) (Armeabi-v7a)
VSCO: Photo & Video Editor with Effects & Presets v224 b100004387 (Unlocked) (Mod Extra)
Apktool M (AntiSplit on Android) v2.5.1-eaab72-SNAPSHOT
Water Garden Live Wallpaper v1.75 (Unlocked) (Mod Extra)
Fotor Photo Editor - Design Maker & Photo Collage v7.0.6.189 (Pro) (Mod Extra)
Graphing Calculator - Algeo | Free Plotting v2.28 (Pro) (Mod Extra)
Tasks: Todo list, Task List, Reminder v2.17.1 (Pro) (Mod Extra)
SnapTube - YouTube Downloader HD Video v5.20.1.5201501 (Beta) (Vip)
SnapTube - YouTube Downloader HD Video v5.19.0.5192910 (Final) (Vip)
FilmoraGo - Video Editor, Video Maker For YouTube v6.2.5 (Unlocked) (Armeabi-v7a)
Smart AudioBook Player v8.0.3 (Unlocked) (Mod Extra)
Device Info : View Device Information v3.1.5 (Donate) (Mod Extra)
Lavien Icon Pack v0.7 (Mod) (Sap)
MacroDroid - Device Automation v5.15.4 (Mod Extra)
Gradient: AI Photo Editor v2.2.3 (Premium)
Motion Ninja - Pro Video Editor & Animation Maker v1.3.4.1 (Pro)
iMusic - Music Player IOS style v2.2.0 (Pro)
3C All-in-One Toolbox v2.5.1d (Pro) (Mod) (All in One)
NewsFeed Launcher v13.0.596 (Paid) (SAP) (Arm64-v8a)
NewsFeed Launcher v13.0.596 (Paid) (SAP) (Armeabi-v7a)
Electrical engineering handbook v44.0 (Pro)
Beelinguapp: Learn Spanish, English, French & More v2.629 (Premium) (Mod)
MEAM - The Meme Maker Pro v2.0.8 (Paid) (SAP) (Arm64-v8a)
MEAM - The Meme Maker Pro v2.0.8 (Paid) (SAP) (Armeabi-v7a)
YAATA - SMS/MMS messaging v1.45.10.22140 (Premium) (Modded)
Finesta KWGT v13.0
v11.0 (Paid)
Scanner App To PDF - TapScanner v2.6.1 (Pro) (No Google)
Scanner App To PDF - TapScanner v2.6.1 (Pro)
Foxit PDF Editor v11.1.0.0701 (Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a)
CamScanner - PDF Scanner App v5.48.0.20210701 (Lite) (Premium) (Arm64-v8a)
CamScanner - PDF Scanner App v5.48.0.20210701 (ML) (Premium) (Arm64-v8a)
Stellio - Music and mp3 Player v6.2.15 (Premium) (Mod) (Arm64-v8a)
Stellio - Music and mp3 Player v6.2.15 (Premium) (Mod) (All in One)
Free Music Downloader Download MP3. YouTube Player v1.467 (Premium) (ML)
Scan & Translate+ Text Grabber v4.4.11 (Premium) (No Google)
Scan & Translate+ Text Grabber v4.4.11 (Premium)
Nova Launcher v7.0.35 (Beta) (Prime) (Mod Extra) (11R)
Nova Launcher v7.0.35 (Beta) (Prime) (Mod Extra)
Sweet Snap Camera–Live Face Camera & Photo Filters v4.20.100692 (Premium)
Truecaller: Phone Caller ID, Spam Blocking & Chat v11.68.5 Beta (Modded) (Arm64-v8a)
Truecaller: Phone Caller ID, Spam Blocking & Chat v11.68.5 Beta (Modded) (Armeabi-v7a)
Video Player All Format v2.0.0 (Premium) (Mod) (Lite) (Arm64-v8a)
Video Player All Format v2.0.0 (Premium) (Mod) (Lite) (Armeabi-v7a)
Super N Launcher - super design, useful feature v3.2 (Prime)
Podcast Player & Podcast App - Castbox v8.24.0-210617334 (Premium) (x86)
Podcast Player & Podcast App - Castbox v8.24.0-210617334 (Premium) (Armeabi-v7a)
Access Dot - Android 12 / iOS14 privacy indicator v3.3 (Paid)
Beelinguapp: Learn Spanish, English, French & More v2.628 (Premium) (Mod)
Perfect Me - Body Retouch&Face Editor&Selfie Tune v6.6 (Unlocked) (Arm64-v8a)
Perfect Me - Body Retouch&Face Editor&Selfie Tune v6.6 (Unlocked) (Armeabi-v7a)
Perfect Me - Body Retouch&Face Editor&Selfie Tune v6.6 (Unlocked) (Armeabi-v7a, Arm64-v8a)
135 Todo List: Manage Daily Tasks for Productivity v8.1.1 (Mod) (Sap)
Pure Tuber - Block Ads for Video, Free Premium v2.13.1.101 (Mod)
Colorize it - Colorize Black and White Photos v1.1.10 (Premium)
StoryArt - Insta story editor for Instagram v3.1.8 (Pro)
bhyve Pro v2.0.6 (Paid)
Thinkrolls Space v1.0.1 (Mod)
Ripple Elite - Walls for the Elite v1.0.0 (Mod) (Sap)
Free Music Downloader Download MP3. YouTube Player v1.467 (Pro)
WhatsApp GO v0.21.5L (WA v2.21.12.21) (com.soula2)
WhatsApp GO v0.21.5L (WA v2.21.12.21) (com.wago)
WhatsApp GO v0.21.5L (WA v2.21.12.21) (com.whatsapp)
Text on photo v1.3.8 (Premium)
Aurora Store Nightly v4.0.7 (20210706) (Nightly)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Light Purple) (Cloned) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Light Tone) (Cloned) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Green) (Cloned) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Coral Pink) (Cloned) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Blue) (Cloned) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Extra Dark) (Cloned) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Red) (Cloned) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Gold) (Cloned) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Light-Dark) (Cloned) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Light Pink) (Cloned) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Light Pink) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Light Purple) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Light Tone) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Green) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Coral Pink) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Blue) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Extra Dark) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Red) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Gold) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
AeroInsta v16.0.2 (Light-Dark) (InstaMod v191. (Themed Editions)
Screen Recorder v0.8.7 (Paid) (Mod)
KGGM Material for KWGT v2021.Jul.05.14 (Paid)
Elements KWGT v6.4 (Paid)
Vlog Star - free video editor & maker v5.0.7 (VIP) (No Google)
Vlog Star - free video editor & maker v5.0.7 (VIP)
Squared Icon Pack v3.5.0 (Patched)
Sagon Icon Pack: Dark UI v11.1 (Patched)
AmoledPapers - vibrant wallpapers v1.2.2 (Patched)
Sagon Circle Icon Pack: Dark UI v11.1 (Patched)
Simplicon Icon Pack v4.5 (Patched)
Barbell Home Workout v2.07 (Pro) (MOD) (SAP)
RetrOxigen - Icon Pack v2.1.7 (Patched)
BSPlayer Pro v3.13.234-20210704 (Paid) (x86_64)
BSPlayer Pro v3.13.234-20210704 (Paid) (x86)
BSPlayer Pro v3.13.234-20210704 (Paid) (Arm64-v8a)
BSPlayer Pro v3.13.234-20210704 (Paid) (Armeabi-v7a)
MIX by Camera360 v4.9.31 (VIP)
Rotation - Orientation Manager v22.1.2 (Pro) (Mod)
Word Office - Docx, Excel, Slide, Office Document v19.43 (Premium) (Arm64-v8a)
File Manager v2.6.9 (Premium) (Color Mod)
Nova Launcher v7.0.35 (Beta) (Prime)
Fancy Text Symbols - Cool fonts nickname generator v2.6.2 (Premium)
Hibernator - Hibernate apps & Save battery v2.20.0 b4761 (Pro) (Purged)
KillApps: Close all apps running v1.22.0 (Premium) (Purged)
Video & Image compressor - reduce size & compress v9.3.0 (Pro)
FileOps Pro: Batch Rename - Shred - Encrypt Files v1.3.0 (Patched)
English 30000 Words with Pictures v136 (Pro)
Wähle einen Hoster. Sofern die Hoster die gleiche Anzahl an Dateien haben, sind diese untereinander kompatibel.Kein freier Download-Slot oder Download zu langsam? Hole dir jetzt bei deinen Premium-Zugang für unbegrenzte, blitzschnelle Downloads!
Aktuell kann es bei manchen Browsern bei Downloads zu Meldungen "Unsicherer Download Blockiert" kommen. Die Dateien können trotzdem heruntergeladen werden. Uns wurde zugesichert, dass bereits an dem Problem gearbeitet wird und es bald behoben sein sollte.
Ihr könnt auch gerne jDownloader nutzen, dann besteht diese Problematik nicht.
6 Dateien 6 Dateien 3,95 GB 6 Dateien 3,95 GB
Ab sofort wird ein großteil der Dateien mit WinRar 5.x gepackt. Die Dateien können mit alten WinRar Versionen wie 4.x weder geöffnet noch entpackt werden da nicht abwärtskompatibel. Installiert euch daher Winrar 5.x >WinRAR 5.x<