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John Adams - The Gospel According To The Other Mary

Release: John_Adams-The_Gospel_According_To_The_Other_Mary-2CD-2014-VOiCE

John Adams - The Gospel According To The Other Mary

01 Scene 1- 'the Next Day In The City Jail We Were Searched For Drugs' (Act 1) 04:09
02 'now A Certain Woman Named Martha Welcomed Him Into Her House' (Act 1) 02:44
03 Scene 2- 'and She Had A Sister Named Mary' (Act 1) 01:41
04 'i Am Surprised that I Am Beginning To Pray Daily' (Act 1) 03:26
05 Chorus- 'en Un Dia De Amor' (Act 1) 04:17
06 Scene 3- 'now A Certain Man Was Sick Named Lazarus' (Act 1) 04:01
07 Lazarus Dies (Act 1) 02:04
08 'why Standest Thou Afar Off Lord ' (Act 1) 02:27
09 'in My Own Quietly Explosive Here' (Act 1) 02:49
10 'dont Touch My Left Arm' (Act 1) 01:53
11 'when Mary Was Come Where Jesus Was' (Act 1) 03:42
12 'jesus Said Take Ye Away The Stone' (Act 1) 01:52
13 Lazarus Rises From The Dead (Act 1) 04:19
14 Chorus- 'drop Down Ye Heavens' (Act 1 03:08
15 Scene 4- Supper At Bethany (Act 1) 00:43
16 'for The Grave Cannot Praise Thee' (Act 1) 06:39
17 Mary Washes The Feet Of Jesus (Act 1) 04:46
18 Scene 5- 'and There Were Some Who Had Indignation Within Themselves' (Act 1) 01:40
19 'we Know There Will Be No Utopias' (Act 1) 05:20
20 'tell Me- How Is This Night Different From All Other Night ' (Act 1) 09:29

01 Chorus- 'who Rips His Flesh Down The Seams' (Act 2) 03:49
02 Scene 1- Arrest Of Jesus (Act 2) 05:40
03 Scene 2- Arrest Of The Women (Act 2) 02:26
04 'up At Two A.M. Picketed All Day' (Act 2) 01:29
05 'the Said Defendants On Or About August 2nd' (Act 2) 02:55
06 Prayer Of The Mexican Women (Act 2) 03:02
07 Scene 3- Golgotha (Act 2) 06:14
08 'daughters Of Jerusalem Weep Not For Me' (Act 2) 03:03
09 'now There Stood At The Cross Of Jesus' (Act 2) 01:27
10 'when Jesus Saw His Mother' (Act 2) 02:13
11 Scene 4- Night (Act 2) 07:35
12 'his Son Cried Out To Him' (Act 2) 01:32
13 Scene 5- The Sepulchre Marys Awakening (Act 2) 04:35
14 Mary Awakes At Dawn (Act 2) 02:08
15 Chorus- It Is Spring (Act 2) 04:02
16 Scene 6- Earthquake Und Recognition (Act 2) 03:18
17 'why Seek Ye The Living Among The Dead ' (Act 2) 06:25


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