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Rory Gallagher - Blues (Deluxe Edition)

Release: Rory_Gallagher-Blues-(Deluxe_Edition)-3CD-2019-404

Rory Gallagher - Blues (Deluxe Edition)

01. Don't Start Me Talkin' (Jinx 3:33
02. Nothin' But the Devil (Against 4:57
03. Tore Down (Blueprint Album 5:10
04. Off the Handle (BBC Paul Jones 4:38
05. I Could've Had Religion (WNCR 5:56
06. As the Crow Flies (Tattoo 4:09
07. A Million Miles Away (BBC Radio 7:49

1 Bob Harris Session 1973)
08. Should've Learnt My Lesson 7:38
09. Leaving Town Blues (Remixed) 6:03
10. Drop Down Baby 3:09
11. I'm Ready (1972 Version) 4:09
12. Bullfrog Blues (WNCR Cleveland 6:59

01. Who's That Coming (Tattoo 5:15
02. Should've Learnt My Lesson 3:04
03. Prison Blues (Blueprint Album 4:11
04. Secret Agent (Acoustic Version 5:27
05. Blow Wind Blow (WNCR Cleveland 3:41
06. Bankers Blues (Blueprint 4:49
07. Whole Lot of People (Deuce 3:40
08. Loanshark Blues (Alternative 2:28
09. Pistol Slapper Blues (Acoustic 3:07
10. Can't Be Satisfied 3:59
11. Want Ad Blues (Radio 2 Dave 3:06
12. Walkin' Blues (Acoustic Version 4:14

01. When My Baby She Left Me (Live 6:28
02. Nothin' But the Devil (Live at 6:56
03. What In the World (Live at the 7:39
04. I Wonder Who (Live) 6:35
05. Messin' with the Kid (Live from 4:18
06. Tore Down (Live from Newcastle 4:51
07. Garbage Man Blues (Live from 6:22
08. All Around Man (Live on the Old 11:11
09. Born Under a Bad Sign (Live on 7:19
10. You Upset Me Baby (Live) 5:47
11. Comin Home Baby (feat. Rory 5:29
12. Rory Talking Blues 2:20


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