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Zion I - True & Livin'

Release: Zion I - True & Livin'

Zion I - True & Livin'

01. True
02. Doin' My Thang
03. Bird's Eye View
04. The Bay
05. Luv
06. Soo Tall
07. I Need Mo
08. Rockin'
09. Temperature (Feat. Talib Kweli)
10. One Chance
11. America
12. Poems 4 Post Modern Decay (Feat. Aesop Rock)
13. Heads Up
14. Next To U
15. What U Hear (Feat. Del)
16. Stranger In My Home (Feat. Gift)
17. Oh Lawd
18. Livin' (Feat. Navarre)

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Release Date: 15.04.'05
Genre: Rap/Hip-Hop
Quality: VBR AVG 158 kbps JS
Release Notes:
Long heralded by critics as one of the finest home-grown
products to emerge from the Bay Area’s burgeoning and
legendary underground rap hip-hop world, Zion I is set to
release their third and best LP to date, True & Livin', April 19th.


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