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Ashley Jade - Dreaming

Release: Ashley Jade - Dreaming

Ashley Jade - Dreaming

01. On The Run [4:24]
02. I’m Dreaming [4:56]
03. Let Me Be Your Fantasy [3:48]
04. Reach For Me [4:24]
05. Laid Bare [5:32]
06. Set You Free [4:51]
07. I’ll Wait [3:43]
08. Take Me Away [3:46]
09. Last Goodbye [5:16]
10. Bring It On Tonight [4:41]
11. Let Me Be Your Fantasy (Flip n’ Fill Remix) [6:41]
12. Let Me Be Your Fantasy (Friday Night Posse Remix) [6:54]
13. Set you Free (12” Club Mix) [6:51]
14. I’m Dreaming (LB 12” Remix) [6:32]


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This seventeen year-old dance ingénue who first hit the radar as a Soda Club front-woman offers up a high octane selection of vocal NRG trance tunes with her "Dreaming" CD. Covering Baby D.'s UK #1 hit from the early 1990s, "Let Me be Your Fantasy," for the lead single shows the general direction of the whole CD, chirpy bubblegum vocals over crisp lite-Trance electronic backdrops. However, while the CD does include one other cover (of another 90s pop-Rave hit, N-Trance's "Set You Free"), the other tracks are solid, if not necessarily groundbreaking, original tunes with some of the standouts being “On The Run,” “Reach For Me,” and "Take Me Away.” Most of the songs race along at quite a zippy pace but to mix things up Ashley does slow it down on the mid-tempo "Laid Bare" and the obligatory ballad “Last Goodbye.”


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