Switchfoot - Nothing Is Sound
Release: Switchfoot - Nothing Is Sound
- Datum: 14.08.2005
01. (04:29) Switchfoot - Lonely Nation
02. (05:03) Switchfoot - Stars
03. (04:50) Switchfoot - Happy Is A Yuppie Word
04. (05:03) Switchfoot - The Shadow Proves The Sunshine
05. (04:29) Switchfoot - Easier Than Love
06. (05:17) Switchfoot - The Blues
07. (04:24) Switchfoot - The Setting Sun
08. (03:28) Switchfoot - Politicians
09. (03:36) Switchfoot - Golden
10. (02:43) Switchfoot - The Fatal Wound
11. (04:41) Switchfoot - We Are On Tonight
12. (04:17) Switchfoot - Daisy
Playing Time.........: 52:26
Total Size...........: 83,94 MB
- Genre: Alternative
- Qualität: 224 kbit/s
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