Angel Bat Dawid - Requiem for Jazz
Release: Angel_Bat_Dawid-Requiem_for_Jazz-WEB-2023-ENRiCH
01. Jazz is merely the Negroes cry of Joy Suffering 01:05
02. INTROIT Joy n Suffrin 03:33
03. Jazz is the musical expression of the triumph of the 01:14
04. KYRIE ELEISON Lawd Hav Merci 04:59
05. This endless repetition is like a Chain around the Sp 01:13
06. DIAS IRE Chain Around the Spirit 03:51
07. Another restraining factor in Jazz are the changes 00:43
08. TUBA MIRUM The Changes 03:06
09. The Negro experiences the endless daily humiliation o 01:21
10. REX TREMENDAE Futureless Future 02:38
11. The Negro transforms Americas image of him into a tr 01:33
12. RECORDARERecall the Joy 02:06
13. Jazz reflects the improvised life thrust upon the Neg 01:40
14. CONFUTATISRepression 03:46
15. Through Spirituals through the Blues then through J 02:14
16. LACRIMOSA Weeping our Lady of Sorrow 02:44
17. Because Jazz is the one element in American life wher 01:30
19. Only when whites have paid the price in suffering to 00:40
20. SANCTUS Holy Holy Holy 02:10
21. The Jazz body is dead but the Spirit of Jazz is Alive 00:38
22. AGNUS DEIJazz is Dead 02:06
23. LUX AETERNA Eternal Light Angel Bat Dawid My Rh 05:49
24. Long Tone for Rayna Golding A Binti Zawadi our Futur 02:35
- Genre: Jazz
- Qualität: CBR 320kbps 44.1kHz Joint
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