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Uniting Nations - One World

Release: Uniting Nations - One World

Uniting Nations - One World

01. Out Of Touch [2:48]
02. You And Me [3:06]
03. She's Special [3:21]
04. Music In Me [2:40]
05. Tonight (In The City) [3:12]
06. Ai No Corrida [2:47]
07. Loving You [3:08]
08. Feels Like Heaven [3:13]
09. Make Love [2:52]
10. We're Gonna Make It [2:36]
11. Destiny [3:18]
12. Blues And Twos [3:40]
13. Out Of Touch (I Love You So Much) (Extended Version) [7:40]
14. Music In Me (Accapella) [0:24]
15. Tonight (In The City) (Accapella) [0:52]
16. Loving You (Accapella) [0:51]
17. Feels Like Heaven (Accapella) [1:19]
18. Make Love (Accapella) [0:39]
19. Drum Sample [0:13]
20. Funky Guitar Sample [0:17]


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On November 14th, Uniting Nations' debut album 'One World' is released on Gusto; a feast of endorphin-inducing feelgood tracks that kicks off with the massive hit 'Out Of Touch', swiftly followed by their second single, the original 'You and Me' before launching into a host of uplifting dancefloor anthems


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