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Teena Marie - Sapphire

Release: Teena Marie - Sapphire

Teena Marie - Sapphire

01. God Has Created (Feat. Smokey 2:11
02. Cruise Control (Feat. Smokey 5:08
03. Baby Who's Is It (Feat. 5:05
04. Make It Hot 4:31
05. Ooo Wee (Feat. Kurupt) 3:56
06. Sleeping With The Enemy 5:08
07. A.P.B. 4:51
08. Love Is A Gangsta 5:18
09. Ladies Choice (Feat. Queen And 4:53
Gail Gotti)
10. Somebody Just Like You (Feat. 5:36
Gerald Albright)
11. You Blow Me Away 6:16
12. Simmer Down (Feat. Lady Levi) 5:17
13. Romantica 5:42
14. The Way You Love Me 5:03
15. Ecstasy 4:42
16. Resilient (Sapphire) 3:41


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ARTIST: Teena Marie
TITLE: Sapphire
LABEL: Cash Money Classics/Universal
BITRATE: 194kbps avg
PLAYTIME: 1h 17min total
RELEASE DATE: 2006-05-09
RIP DATE: 2006-04-28

Soul singer Teena Marie will on May 9 release her second Cash Money
Classics/Universal album, "Sapphire." The set features appearances from
legendary crooner and former Motown labelmate Smokey Robinson and rapper
Kurupt. An expected duet with Marie and her longtime partner, the late
Rick James, was taken off the album, according to a label spokesperson.
Robinson is featured on two songs, "God Has Created" and "Cruise
Control," while Kurupt graces "Baby Who's Is It."


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