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Soul Asylum - The Silver Lining

Release: Soul Asylum - The Silver Lining

Soul Asylum - The Silver Lining

° ÛÛ 1 stand up and be strong 4:23 ÛÛ ÿ°
ÛÛ 2 lately 3:27 ÛÛ
° ÛÛ 3 crazy mixed up world 3:56 ÛÛ ÿ°
ÛÛ 4 all is well 3:13 ÛÛ
° ÛÛ 5 bus named desire 3:05 ÛÛ ÿ°
ÛÛ 6 whatcha need 3:52 ÛÛ
° ÛÛ 7 standing water 4:40 ÛÛ ÿ°
ÛÛ 8 success is not so sweet 4:58 ÛÛ
° ÛÛ 9 the great exaggerator 4:10 ÛÛ ÿ°
ÛÛ 10 oxygen 4:03 ÛÛ
° ÛÛ 11 good for you 3:52 ÛÛ ÿ°
ÛÛ 12 slowly rising 8:00 ÛÛ

Bonus DVDA (live):

1. Run Away Train 4:28
2. Black Gold 3:43
3. Summer Of Drugs 4:33
4. Lately 4:07


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Û ÜÛÝ artistúú[ Soul Asylum ÞÛÜ Û
ÞÝ ²Ûß titleúúú[ The Silver lining ßÛ² ÞÝ
ß ÞÛÝ ÿ°ÿ ÞÛÝ ß
ÛÛ °±° labelúúúúú[ Sony ÛÛ
ÛÛ ÿ°ÿ genre úúúú[ Rock ° ÛÛ
ÛÛ °±° ÛÛ
²ÛÝ ÿ°ÿ ÞÛ²
ÛÛ qualityúúúúú[ 218 kbps avg ÛÛ
° Ü ßÛÜ Ü²° sourceúúúúúú[ CD °²Ü ÜÛß Ü °
Þ² Þ²Ü ßßß tracksúúúúúú[ 12 ßßß Ü²Ý ²Ý
ÛÜ °ÛÛ° ßÝ rip dateúúúú[ 2006-07-02 Þß °ÛÛ° ÜÛ
ÞÛ²ß ²ÛÝ ÜÜÜ supplierúúúú[ Team LOCALs ÜÜÜ ÞÛ² ß²ÛÝ
°±° ÛÛ ÿ ÛÛ °±°
° ÛÛ ÛÛ ÿ°
ÛÛ THE SILVER LINING, Soul Asylum’s ninth full-length ÛÛ
ÛÛ album, is every bit as quirky and off-centered ÛÛ
ÛÛ cut-to-the-bone rock as their hardcore fans have come ÛÛ
ÛÛ to expect, an indication that the Minneapolis-bred ÛÛ
ÛÛ band has lost none of its edge. And why should they? ÛÛ
ÛÛ The new Soul Asylum songs--"Crazy Mixed Up World," ÛÛ
ÛÛ "Standing Water," "Success Is Not So Sweet," "All Is ÛÛ
ÛÛ Well," "Good For You," "Lately," "Oxygen," and the ÛÛ
ÛÛ lead single "Stand Up And Be Strong"--capture the band ÛÛ
ÛÛ at its best: swinging, soothing, and rocking. ÛÛ


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