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Waterloo - Out of The Woods

Release: Waterloo - Out of The Woods

Waterloo - Out of The Woods

01. Kaskaskia 01:31
02. The Air In Shiloh 03:32
03. Chain of Lakes 03:28
04. Beauty Queens 03:57
05. Green Grass 03:51
06. The Other Side of The Sun 03:47
07. Some Kind of Holiday 03:29
08. Light In The Doorway 03:03
09. Through The Lens 03:02
10. Kneeling At The Shrines 04:26
11. Out In The Lawn 03:41
12. Back To Our Sleep 04:23
13. When The World Ends 03:02


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ARTIST: Waterloo
TITLE: Out of The Woods
LABEL: Undertow
GENRE: Indie
TIME: 45:12 min
SIZE: 66,3 MB
RIP DATE: Jul-11-2006
RELEASE DATE: Jun-27-2006

Release Notes:

Sorry about the skips on the initial rip. This one
was listened to all the way through.

Out of the Woods is the third release from Saint
Louis' Waterloo. This new collection of melodic,
passionate songs makes it clear that Waterloo is
after something big, chasing down whatever it is
that threads together Badfinger, ELO, Radiohead, and
REM, and whatever it is that makes the American
Midwest such a beautiful but ultimately melancholy
place. Written, recorded, and mixed by Mark Ray, Out
of the Woods is a response to loss - both personal
and universal - fueled with a burning deisre for
hope restored.


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