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Krypteria - Bloodangels Cry

Release: Krypteria - Bloodangels Cry

Krypteria - Bloodangels Cry

01 All systems go 04:11
02 The promise 04:09
03 Time to bring the pain 04:53
04 Somebody save me 05:00
05 Scream 04:28
06 Lost 04:39
07 Out of tears 03:57
08 I can't breathe 03:22
09 The night all angels cry 06:46
10 Dream yourself far away 04:00
11 Sweet revenge 04:51
12 At the gates of retribution 10:04

60:20 Min
93,9 MB


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Rls Name : Krypteria - Bloodangels Cry
Rls Date : Jan-19-2007
Street Date: Jan-19-2007
Rls Type : Album
Company : EMI
Genre : Gothic Rock
Source : CDDA
Tracks : 12
Encoder : LAME 3.97 V2: preset standard
Quality : VBRkbps / 44,1kHz / Joint-Stereo


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